Head’s Up!

I am not a coder, and the links below are to the work of amazing other people. I used the combination of their amazing work to achieve screens like below.

Monitoring Stack

Please find the software that has been used to generate the dashboard listed below.

Core Software

Zabbix; (https://www.zabbix.com)

PRTG; (https://www.paessler.com/prtg)

Grafana; (https://grafana.net)


Zabbix/Grafana Datasource; https://grafana.com/plugins/alexanderzobnin-zabbix-app

Zabbix/PRTG Datasource; https://grafana.com/plugins/jasonlashua-prtg-datasource/installation

PRTG Ubiquiti PowerShell Script; https://blog.paessler.com/monitoring-ubiquiti-unifi-wifi-with-prtg-total-insight-into-unifi-environments


Zabbix & Edgemax Switches

Enable SNMP on your Edgemax Switches. I then used the Template SNMP Device, which includes the Template SNMP Generic and Template SNMP Interfaces that come with Zabbix. Keep in mind that this will run a discovery on the switch and pull in data on every port on that switch. If you don’t want that you can disable discovered ports once they have been found.

PRTG & UniFi Controller

To get your PRTG install to pull in controller data you need the PRTG created powershell script.



With Grafana use the data source references from above to see both your PRTG and Zabbix data in there. Then create your Grafana dashboard with content that works for you.